This action will end the dialogue and Mutt will begin to eat whatever Henry just placed on the ground. Performing this action after praising Mutt can raise his obedience and the Houndmaster skill faster when done at regular intervals. Henry will feed Mutt with meat-type items from his inventory.When interacting with Mutt with the corresponding button/key, you will be greeted with the following dialogue choices:

Henry can interact with Mutt through a multitude of dialogue choices and commands. If you have a question but want to skip searching through the entire page, see Common Q&A. Question her about the lonely pup and the conversation will eventually lead to you keeping Mutt and taking him along on your adventures throughout Bohemia! To recruit Mutt, Henry must speak to Theresa at the Rattay Mill. Only with the A Woman's Lot DLC does Mutt becomes a recruitable Sidekick, and will be able to heed specific commands from Henry. Unfortunately, in the base game, Mutt cannot become a Sidekick and serves no real purpose to Henry or his quests. When Runt and his thugs confront Henry, they spook Mutt and run him off, but he returns when the cavalry arrives.Īfter Henry wakes up at the Rattay Mill during Awakening, he can find Mutt wandering around the mill or following Peshek. After driving the looter away, Mutt will remain at the butcher's side until Henry begins the process of burying his parents. When Henry returns to Skalitz to bury his parents during Homecoming, he encounters Zbyshek attempting loot Mutt's late owner while flailing a shovel towards Mutt who loyally stands his ground. He avoids detection of Sigismund 's invading horde, but at the cost of the butcher's life.

In the beginning, Mutt was the dog of Skalitz's pre-Sack-of-Skalitz butcher.